

Welcome to my linksection, I've gathered some interesting sites over the past few years. If you like this website check them out.

Websites I like

This is Tim Tylers webpage, it has some cool projects
LolisAndStuff, nice chap and clan admin hosting some tools on his personal webpage
Eldritchdata, interesting contents
A fellow hoster!
Same hoster as above, and also "Fuuuuutuuree!"
Same hoster as above, SearX instance
This site has the same vibe as mine

Interesting webdesign

H.GichT = best webdesign I've seen
Don Raffo, a comic artist from Germany. I haven't read anything, but I like his webdesign.
Almighty Team Alice, nice design. 東方Project Website, inactive
Two Worlds Fan Page, inactive
Two Worlds 2 Fan Page, inactive

Video Games

Really awesome fanpage for Hype - The Time Quest


Cool Tools digital Stereophotography
Stereophotography Club Tokyo, 4 meetings every year
Stereophotography Blog, inactive

DTM related websites


Useful toolwebsites


Site Created: 2024/08/05 02:55 JST Site Modified: 2024/10/01 14:20 MESZ